Wednesday, May 18, 2011

So far, so good.

Here is Mount Kilimanjaro from the plane on our way to Moshi.
 This is the VICOBA group. VICOBA stands for Village Cooperative Bank. We are planning to conduct some business training workshops for the members of the cooperative.
 This is Mamma Kitto and the sign to her hostel where she houses a number of students who are in her vocational school. She is a fantastic lady! We are in the process of developing a project to help her school. We are thinking about holding some workshops to teach computer skills and English.
 This is the marketplace in Kikatiti. I was in the area that day doing an assessment of the community. There may be a project in the works in helping to provide access to clean water in the area.
 This is a picture of the mountain where the Tanzanite is mined. I just thought you might want to know where that is.
 Here is the group that went together to do a needs assessment of Kikatiti.


  1. Wow, I still can't believe you are there, Awesome

  2. Way to go little bro. Maybe Paul ought to head on over there and help you out. I'm sure it'd bring back memories.

  3. We haven't heard anything over the last couple of weeks. How are you? What is the update?

  4. I like how the guy next to you in the bottom picture is wearing roller blades. I mean, seriously, do they work on bumpy dirt paths?

  5. Haha! That's funny that you noticed that. We were actually laughing about that same thing. But I have to admit that I was impressed. He kind of walked/rolled for 2 miles on those things that day... a couple days later we heard that they broke...
